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  • December 13, 2024 8:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In November 21 educators signed up to talk about "Sense-Making". We had a great discussion among nine on how to help students understand what they are seeing in terms of unseen particles: building conceptual understanding form phenomena. We did not end up putting anything in the folder. I will try to get the Zoom recording up over the holidays.

    In December 9 educators signed up to talk about Teaching in Non-Ideal Spaces. We talked about portable butane burners and alcohol burners, inexpensive centigram or milligram electronic balances (like this one from amazon), and the use of videos to replace demos and labs. We got into a discussion of using historical data and there are some examples in this folder. A participant tried out the Zoom AI companion to record the ChemChat and we discovered it can't be recorded from 2 sources. So I may not be able to get a recording of this session. If I can I will post it here.

    You can sign up for the January 9th session on Chemical Literacy under Events.

  • November 01, 2024 2:44 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    SEPTEMBER: "What's New for 2024-25?" 9/19/24

    Nine folks joined me and discussed "What's New for 2024-25?" There was no recording made,  but we did end up with a set of topics that will take us through January 2025. They are listed at the bottom of this report.

    OCTOBER: "Green Chemistry" 10/10/24

    Eight people joined me for a lively discussion on how to replace labs with toxic chemicals with safer alternatives. Attached here is a link to a document that is an old "recommended not to use" list. [Please ignore the handwritten comments.] The recording of the 'Chat will be up soon.

    UPCOMING ChemChats:

    • November 21st, 4-5 pm: "Sense-Making" registration now open
    • December 12th, 4-5 pm: "Teaching Chemistry in Non-Ideal Spaces"
    • January 9th. 4-5 pm: "Chemical Literacy: Can our Students Communicate?"

    submitted by Sue Klemmer (

  • October 03, 2024 1:44 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Northern Division of NEACT will hold a 2-part virtual workshop on OpenSciEd ( This is a nonprofit company that has designed curricula for grades 7-12 that are "different from traditional science curriculum. Our world-class, Next Generation Science standards-aligned instructional materials are designed for how students learn science best. " - OpenSciEd website. My school has found their phenomenon-based, driving question approach to be in line with our own philosophy of teaching, and are spending our departmental PD time this year exploring how their curriculum might be implemented within our program. (Note: The curriculum is not free.)

      During our main evening event a presenter from their partner Kendall Hunt will provide an overview of the Chemistry curriculum in which participants will try out some of the activities. We will follow this up with a shorter afternoon open consultation session with an OpenSciEd staffer to answer specific questions you may have about how OpenSciEd might work in your situation.

    I do not have an exact date yet, but am aiming for the last week in January through the first week in February. Stay tuned for more information.

  • April 11, 2024 4:14 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    2 minutes into the April ChemChat on "Differentiation", internet died at my location in the midst of driving rain. It came back around 5 minutes later, but the one person that had signed on had left by then and neither of the the other two invitees signed in. So ... enjoy your month, folks!

    The May ChemChat is scheduled for 5/9. See "Events" to sign up.

  • February 05, 2024 3:36 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A small  but intense group discussed the problems (and joys) of implementing NGSS in the chemistry classroom. We discussed resources, especially for phenomena around which to craft curriculum and assessments.

    • You can see a video of the Zoom here.
    • You can access our folder of shared documents here.

    See "Events" to register for the March ChemChat. 
  • January 19, 2024 12:31 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    14 chemists had a great discussion on "Using Everyday Reactions as Anchoring Phenomena."

    You can watch a recording of the chat here.

    You can access a folder of shared ideas here.

  • December 14, 2023 5:31 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    OCTOBER saw 15 people with a lively discussion on teaching heterogeneous classes. We shared many of the same struggles, and some useful tips were shared. The link to watch this ChemChat is here.

    NOVEMBER saw 7 people talking about teaching EL and other language-challenged students. Massachusetts seems to be further along than other NE states in providing PD and support in this area.  The pros and cons of word banks, phone translators and other techniques were discussed. The link to watch this ChemChat is here.

    DECEMBER saw 10 people discussing anchor demonstrations. A folder of shared ideas can be found here. Ideas using elephant's toothpaste, historical recreations of the work of Lavoisier and Dalton, dry ice, and others were shared. The link to watch this ChemChat is here.

    The next ChemChat will be January 18th, 4-5 pm EST and the topic will be using everyday reactions to dive deep into chemistry. Registration is now open under Events. ChemChats are free to everyone: you do not need to be a member of NEACT to join in. [But please consider joining!]

  • October 31, 2023 7:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Northern Division meeting has been moved to March to accommodate two dynamic speakers: Anjana Iyer and Cathy Zavacki of Hillsborough High School in NJ. They will be presenting a two-night virtual program on kinesthetic chemistry: how to use getting your students up and moving to teach concepts and skills. More details will come later. I went to 2 workshops of theirs at ChemEd last summer: be prepared to get up out of your chair at home and move!

    Here is the link to the Zoom recording of the first night: LINK.

    - Sue Klemmer, Northern Division Chair

  • September 15, 2023 2:54 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We had a lovely online discussion with several practioners of IB Chemistry at both high school levels and the middle school level, along with folks who don't teach IB but were interested.

    We'll post the recording on the NEACT YouTube channel and provide a link from here as soon as possible.

    Join us for an open roundtable on the other end of the spectrum - teaching heterogeneous classes - on Oct. 19th (see EVENTS to sign up).

  • August 17, 2023 5:01 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ChemChats are back for 2023-2024!

    A dozen teachers had a great discussion on Nuclear Chemistry Aug, 17, 2023. This is a topic that often gets neglected when it is not on our state list of required content but has great interest for students. A folder of ideas that were discussed can be found here. As soon as the recording is uploaded to YouTube that will be added here as well.

    The topics for the next two ChemChats of the 2023-24 school year have already been chosen. On Sept. 14th we'll be discussing ideas on teaching International Baccalaureate (IB) Chemistry, and on October 19th we'll look at how to handle heterogeneous Chemistry courses. Note that the Oct. ChemChat is the 3rd Thursday in that month (we normally run on the 2nd Thursdays).

    Want to sign up for a ChemChat? Go to EVENTS: each new ChemChat is posted as soon as the previous one has been run.

    Have a a topic you want to discuss? Email me at

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